Menu Plan Monday 5/3/21

Indiana spring clouds sky

Welcome to May, friends! It was a typical week here, and I don’t think I took any interesting photos. So hopefully you will enjoy the above photo, from last spring. Pretty clouds!

This week will be good due to Daughter #3 moving back from college. There are just two weeks left now of piano lessons, and we’re gearing up for a May 15 recital. A few of the students have spotted last week’s fairy cottage and enjoyed exploring it.

The girls (well, maybe just one) and I will head to my organ church later in the week to shop at a massive estate sale for the pastor’s wife, who died in late January. I peeked in on Sunday, and it’s amazing how much stuff she had. The church gym and kitchen are entirely full of furniture, clothes, kitchen things, you name it. We certainly can collect a lot in a lifetime. The proceeds will go to the church, and it’s nice that her things can go to happy new homes while also benefiting a good cause.

Here are the week’s menu plans:

Monday: Meatball (well actually veggieball) Quesadillas — I take a whole wheat wrap and put sliced meatballs, maybe a little hummus, spinach, onion, cheese, etc. on it, then fold in half and put in the Foreman Grill for a minute or so. Delicious!

Tuesday: Tuscan Tortellini — a favorite.

Wednesday: Baked Farro with Lentils, Tomato and Mozzarella — About a year ago, we got a Trader Joe’s in my town. I have always loved visited TJ’s on trips to Indianapolis. But, as things often go, now that I have one right in my own backyard, I rarely visit. I did go recently though, and I love that I always find fun new things there. One was a little package of a grain called farro that I don’t think I’ve used before. It looks healthy and hopefully this will be good.

Thursday: Another Trader Joe’s purchase: a frozen bag of their Mushroom Chicken (I’ll make rice too), and a package of their frozen Naan bread. I’ve never tried it; we’ll see if it’s good.

Friday: Daughter #2 cooks. She also has finals this week, which wraps up college for her. Yay! No more teens in the house, and now only one remaining college girl 🙂

What is something you’re looking forward to this week?


  1. The estate sale sounds like a good idea. I’ll have to mention that idea to my kids. 🙂 My son and d-i-l love Trader Joe’s and will often bring interesting things from there to try for dinner. I’ve been there once–it’s too far for me to go there regularly.

    It’s neat that classes and lessons are winding up for the spring.

    I don’t have anything on the schedule this week except making a card for my d-i-l for Mother’s Day. That’s what I need to do today–assess what other things to work on this week.

  2. I just walked in a light rain to deliver two small bouquets of Lily-of-the-Valley to friends. Mine are just starting to bloom and I have tons of them! I selected two vases out of my bathroom window. It was a good reason to give them both a good bath in the sink. They were dusty! Not anymore. I have cooked up so much food last week that I won’t need to cook in a long time! That’s a joy for me! I am making a second doll for a Christmas present. This one I can finish up today. I am working on the hair which is often the hardest thing to do when I make a doll! This is no exception! I got inspired to make dolls as I watched my one cousin receive homemade dolls (as a girl) from some older woman. I was green with envy!

  3. Will there be a celebration for Daughter #2’s graduation? Will she be walking? I hope so. Anyone who accomplishes that should celebrate it. Have a good week. I’ll spend mine trying to recuperate.

  4. Congratulations to your daughter on her graduation. What is her degree in? One of my grandsons graduated from Wright State University in Dayton with a degree is Mechanical Engineering. I have one more grandchild in college and he is finishing his freshman year.

    I am sure you will find many goodies at the estate sale. How wonderful that the proceeds will go to her church.

    Your cloud picture was lovely.

    We had baked fish tonight. We’ll have crock-pot chicken, split pea with ham soup, and probably a pizza this week. Hopefully there will be leftovers to give me a free night from cooking. Your menu for the week sounds great, as always.

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