Menu Plan Monday 4/29/24

mini rex rabbit

Welcome to April’s final Monday — the month has flown, as they often do. Up above is our good mini rex bunny, Ginger, who “crossed the rainbow bridge,” as they say, this past week. Daughter #1 adopted her from the shelter back in 2018 when she was in college. Since she moved to Utah almost 5 years ago now, we’ve had her. She has been such a good rabbit — we really like mini rex rabbits and I recommend them if you’re looking for a rabbit pet. Their fur is so soft, and they are friendly (at least both we have had, have been). I miss Ginger when I come down to the kitchen in the mornings, and various times throughout the day when I would talk to her and interact with her. I think the chinchilla, who is also in the kitchen, notices her absence too.

It feels like spring’s busy-ness is beginning around now. Daughter #3’s birthday was last week, and Daughters #1 and 2 both have birthdays in the next two weeks. There is the lead-up to the piano recital, and at this point we’re in the final three weeks of piano lessons for the year. Bonsai activities, performances, oh, and I’m working on election day (which I am realizing is a big commitment; being at the polling site by 5 AM!!! and staying until after 6 pm that evening).

The menu for the week ahead — most recipes are from my Pinterest recipes board.

Monday: Tortilla Soup — leftover from last week. Also 1-hour Amish rolls.

16 oz. can refried beans

14.5 oz. chicken broth 1 chicken breast, cooked

15.5 oz. black beans, drained and rinsed

1 can corn, drained

3/4 cup salsa

Combine all ingredients. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer 10 min. Crumble a few tortilla chips in the bottom of each bowl. Ladle soup over chips and sprinkle with cheddar cheese. 

Tuesday: fish night — probably tilapia or salmon fillets from the freezer. I still have several sauce packs from my meal delivery services that I can use on mine at least (my husband is never a fan of them).

Wednesday: Sheet Pan Pork Chops (but I use chicken)

Thursday: Baked Farro with Lentils, Tomato, and Mozzarella

Friday: Hearty Chicken Sausage and Kale Soup

And that’s enough for a week. What’s new at your house?


  1. I did not realize you no longer have Ginger. It’s probably a blessing for her. 

    As to your soup recipe, could I substitute something for refried beans? I do not care for them or do they get lost in the other ingredients. I have cans of them here I would like to use up! 

    Last week I made a wonderful recipe and have been eating it for days, savoring each bite. It’s mostly cabbage and Aldi German noodles, that I love! 

    I enjoyed hearing of Sophie’s birthday. One gift I gave her I made some years ago. It was a win from Schulte Bingo at Moesners some years back! 

    I love that you are an election poll worker. I have done it countless times. A former (now deceased) mayor, Chris Moritz first asked me to do it. He was a Democrat. I think Darrel put a bug in his ear to ask me. You see SOOOOO many people! And at the countless places I worked, they fed us very well! You really make nothing per hour but I’d do it again in a heartbeat! Enjoy!

  2. I’m sorry about your bunny’s passing. She looks so soft and fluffy.

    Wow, I thought we had a lot of birthdays close together–we’ve always called mid-July through mid-September our birthday season. But yours are much closer.

    I don’t miss the busyness of May from when our kids were in school.

    My husband has always wanted to work the polls. We were just discussing recently that he could do things like that now that he is retired.

    This looks to be a not-too-busy week for us. Writer’s critique group Wednesday morning via Zoom and a ladies’ function at church Saturday. I’m a slow starter in the mornings and am reluctant to give up my leisurely Saturday mornings, but I do like these events once I get there.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about Ginger. It’s so hard to lose a pet. I still think about how sweet our kitty, Midnight, was. We had to put him down about 10 years ago and my heart was broken. I have lots of pictures of him which are nice to look at and hubby and I sometimes talk about many of the funny things he did.

    This should be an easy week with no doctor or dental appointments. I need a hair trim so I might try to get that done and hopefully I can do some cleaning.

    Tonight we are having pork loin for dinner and tomorrow will be rotisserie chicken with leftovers from that on Thursday. I will make baked fish on Wednesday. Friday seems so far off, so who knows?

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