Jesus a Deaf Missions Film: Review

#JESUSaDeafMissionsFilmMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork Thanks to Deaf Missions for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions my own.

Sign Language/ASL — do you know it? I don’t, but many do. I recently had a discussion with the German teacher at my girls’ former high school. He told me that the school is dropping German classes in favor of ASL as a language course. And this is in a largely German-heritage town. Hmmmm.

Well, now there is a feature film about Jesus in American Sign Language. It’s called “Jesus, a Deaf Missions Film.” Appropriately, it has a Deaf-led production and cast.

I’ve said I don’t know ASL but watching the film, I had no problem understanding it. If you are a Christian and/or were raised in church, you know Jesus’ story. This movie depicts that story, told from a Deaf perspective for a Deaf audience. There are also subtitles to give additional detail. I kind of enjoyed the lack of audible dialogue in the film; in an odd way, it made me focus more on what was actually happening. As a hearing person, I wouldn’t like movies this way all the time, but I was pleasantly surprised by the way the lack of audio added to my attention here.

According to literature I was provided, 68 million out of 70 million Deaf people are waiting to encounter Jesus. That’s a whole lot of people who this film could impact in an eternal way.

You can see “Jesus, a Deaf Missions Film” in theaters starting June 20. You can buy tickets here.

Check out the film’s trailer:

The producers would like to celebrate the film’s release by offering one of you a $10 Amazon gift card (US only please).

Here is how to enter:

  • Leave a comment about the film — do you know ASL or know someone who does? etc.
  • “Like” or make a comment at my Facebook page; comment here telling me the name you commented under.
  • Follow me on Twitter; comment here with your Twitter name.
  • Follow me on Instagram; comment here with your Instagram name.

I’ll choose a random winner June 26.


  1. A lady from my Bible Study has a son who is a deaf pastor with a worldwide ministry to the deaf. It is a true mission field.

  2. I learned ASL in high school, intending to interpret sermons and church services for the deaf. Interestingly, a friend who took it with me ended up years later with a deaf daughter, the singer Mandy Harvey!

  3. How terrific. I am always happy to hear when the Gospel is shared with any group. This is a great way to reach the deaf community.

  4. I ‘don’t you know ASL, but I have a friend who does. I would love to see this movie.

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